I am thankful for my two lil ones, superman running around in his cape and the lil artist cutting up yet another piece of paper that will land on the floor...Am thankful for my hubby that has a job when so many that are looking for one yet another year..he is on call today first call was at 0630am at Belmont back home by 11am and the second at 2pm (still not home) in Charlotte...we must give thanks in all circumstance...
I miss my family dearly and my heart aches for all that have lost family/loved ones this past year.... for it is their first Thanksgivng w/o them, may God continue to comfort them,
I am thankful for the nasty medicine that I have to take that has put my body into chaos,
I am thankful for the legos in the middle of the floor, the dishes in the sink, I am thankful for friends and family that I do not get to see as often as I like but I hope all know much you are a part of my heart,
My heart aches for all the lil ones waiting for their families and all the families waiting for their lil one to come home thru the blessing of adoption, I could go on and on but what... I am most thankful for is
A FATHER in HEAVEN that has loved me before I even loved HIM, that sent HIS SON to DIE for MY MANY SINS....I AM THANKFUL for the freedom to pray and read my BIBLE to have a REAL Relationship with the PAPA in heaven...I am thankful that HE will never LEAVE me nor forsake me...I THANK GOD for the HIM~POSSIBLE vision HE has given...
I am Thankful that HE LOVES me even on the days I seem to be unthankful!!!
Just sitting and thinking!