Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sittin, Thinkin, Thankful!

     I am thankful for my two lil ones, superman running around in his cape and the lil artist cutting up yet another piece of paper that will land on the floor...Am thankful for my hubby that has a job when so many that are looking for one yet another year..he is on call today first call was at 0630am at Belmont back home by 11am and the second at 2pm (still not home) in Charlotte...we must give thanks in all circumstance...
     I miss my family dearly and my heart aches for all that have lost family/loved ones this past year.... for it is their first Thanksgivng w/o them, may God continue to comfort them,
     I am thankful for the nasty medicine that I have to take that has put my body into chaos,
      I am thankful for the legos in the middle of the floor, the dishes in the sink, I am thankful for friends and family that I do not get to see as often as I like but I hope all know much you are a part of my heart,
      My heart aches for all the lil ones waiting for their families and all the families waiting for their lil one to come home thru the blessing of adoption, I could go on and on but what... I am most thankful for is
      A FATHER in HEAVEN that has loved me before I even loved HIM, that sent HIS SON to DIE for MY MANY SINS....I AM THANKFUL for the freedom to pray and read my BIBLE to have a REAL Relationship with the PAPA in heaven...I am thankful that HE will never LEAVE me nor forsake me...I THANK GOD for the HIM~POSSIBLE vision HE has given...
I am Thankful that HE LOVES me even on the days I seem to be unthankful!!!
Just sitting and thinking!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Ray Of HOPE!!!


     Holding onto the HOPE from God, sometimes is the only thing that can get us through the day, the moment, the minute, or the hour! I share this picture with you as it was shared with me on face book to give you a reminder to "put your HOPE in GOD".~Psalm 42:5 NIV

     We all have bad days if we are honest with ourselves, we are not always the upbeat people that we portray ourselves to be at church "HEllO how are you" oh we are "FINE" how are you...why do we do this to ourselves...when there are times we are crying inside for some relief, we are having a massive anxiety attack because we are waiting on test results, we hide behind the word FINE or OK...Let me encourage you to start hiding behind HOPE...HOPE in the one true friend that will never judge you no matter what you say, the one constant that is waiting to hear your most desperate plea, the FATHER that will never leave you nor forsake you...Next time you are ready to say FINE (and you are really NOT) try saying HOPEFUL...
     HOPE~ a four letter word that can bring peace to the heart.....The FATHER is there for YOU all you have to do is pray....HE will never have a busy signal, HE will never have customer service answer the phone for HIM...HE is always WANTING to HEAR from HIS CHILDREN...

HOPE~ my HOPE for you is that you have been encouraged, comforted, or your day is a little brighter because you stopped by LOVE & GRACE today!

I am waiting, I am expecting LORD open the FLOODGATES of HEAVEN you know my most inward wants, desires and needs and I am waiting in the HOPE of YOU LORD!

~The next time you ask someone "How are you?" Do you have the time to listen they just might need someone to talk to? We are so busy in our lives and take for granted the moments of LIFE that often get missed that we could have been a blessing to someone. ~

In the NIV Rainbow Bible I have found the word HOPES or HOPE is written 22 times. Here are the scriptures with the LIGHT of HOPE!
Job 13:15
Psalms 42: 5,- 62: 5- 119: 74,- 130: 7,- 147: 11,
Proverbs 13: 12
Isa 40: 31
Romans 5: 4,- 8: 24,- 12: 12,- 14: 4
1 Co. 13: 13,- 13: 7,- 15:19
Col. 1: 27
1 Th. 5:8
1 Tim. 6: 17
Titus 2: 13
Hebrews 6: 19,- 11:1
1 John 3:3

I HOPE you have a blessed day!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


It is a rainy day here so I decided that today is a good day to clean out some things...mean while, Izaiah pulling every toy there is to pull out of his room into the kithchen where I am seriously little guy the BIG RACE track too...Oh well cars race on...I open the refrigerator door to many plastic containers that need to be scraped out and sterilized (to my expectations anyways) as I am pulling them out I begin to think about how sometime we just need to de-clutter our surrounding, maybe even de-clutter our mind. As I begin the seemingly never ending task I begin to talk to GOD about my never ending mental clutter...the more I pray/talk with PAPA the more my mind begins to get some relief of the racing thoughts of so much to do...Instead they begin to focus on GOD and what HE has for me to do the simplest of things GOD wants to be there..Too often I find myself thinking of 10 different things at one time then nothing gets done it gets stuck in the thought process of how I can do what I should or may that would be nice. I do not know about you but I prefer to get something done besides just thinking about when a simple task such as an encouraging text happens to pop in my thought I take a moment and do it...we never know that may be the word the other person needed...

I am back on track now to get some things done and excited that we are one more day closer to the next Foster/Adoption Training Day...more things to get accomplished in our home, things that need to be fixed, walls that need to be painted and what ever else that may come up...

SO the inside of the refrigerator is cleaned out, all plastics are washed, the race track has since been put away for a trade to make Our Pineapple Sunshine Muffins with mama!!! What a sunshiney rainy day!!!!!

Blessings to all!!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Orphan Sunday..

This is a few days late but I still wanted to share....blessings to all... The Orphans table was a way for our family to to remember orphans worldwie in a physical way. We had a standard meal that many orphans all over the world have, shared scripture and had a time for prayer.
"Religion that GOD our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look afer orphans and widows in their distress..."James 1:27

If you would like more info. plz go to

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Adoption Awareness Month!

Happy 1st day of November everyone...
November is Adoption awareness month!!! Please pray for what you can do to make a difference in the life of a child...
There are so many a family that is adopting, pray for them, encourage them, give a donation if you can...
Domestic Adoption...
International Adoption...
Sponsor a Child...
Adopt a Foster Child waiting...
November 6, 2011 is Orphan Sunday, we celebrate adoption, foster care and global initiatives that reveal God's Heart...
"Defend the cause of the fatherless." Isaiah 1:17
"A father to the GOD in HIS HOLY dwelling. GOD sets the lonely in families...Psalm 68: 5-6

The beginning of Blogging!!!~Here it goes....

This is our journey into the foster care system to Adopt and bring our little one home. I am quite new to all this blogging thing but I thought it might help as we go through this to share what we can as we wait.

We have had two classes now, one short one long and we will wait for class # 3 until December 3rd. I believe the paper work and waiting for the class is a headache, but as I sit and write I am reminded that our lil one is waiting to come home. They are somewhere in a loving foster home (I am praying for that) waiting for their family to bring them home. I pray for peace and comfort for our lil one and for the families involved.

When we first began this journey foster care was not on my mind at all...however God changed that all together. I could hear him whisper to me Foster Children and all I could say was that we were not ready to be foster parents. Little did I know that He wanted us to adopt a foster child. God knows your heart and He knew that adopting has been in my heart for as long as I can remember. He has grown us in so many ways and we will continue to grow as we go.

The classes have provided valuable information to us and made us aware of just how many waiting children there are everywhere...It breaks my heart that there are so many that have been through some terrifying things, things that would make you want to scream. So I am asking for prayer for our LIL MOSES as we have nicknamed him, that HE is SAFE in a LOVING foster families home. That he is loved and his needs are being met, that the family that he is with are strong, loving, and that GOD would bless them over and over...
Thank you!
Blessings to all!