Tuesday, November 6, 2012


It has been a long time since I have written anything and because we are still WAITING!!! I know and am thankful that I have HOPE in CHRIST and without this HOPE, that I am sure of, I would be in total distress.

We have had three situations that came up but we were not chosen for various reasons and that is ok because we prayed for the right families to be put in those precious children lives.

God knows our hearts all four of our hearts and what is best for our family but more importantly HE knows who will be the next addition to our family and we will continue to pray that they are protected and held close by HIS love.

My heart aches for our lil one where ever they are, my eyes fill with tears when I think about another day that they have to wait to come home, BUT I WILL WAIT upon the LORD......GOD knows what is best for us and we will continue to walk by FAITH and not by SIGHT....

Please pray for our lil one as they wait to come home!
Thank you!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

While I'm Waiting by John Waller {Fireproof music video with lyrics}

Update on our journey~

As we continue on our adoption journey my heart is anxious, I want everything done NOW in my selfish flesh part. However I do know that in GODs timing everything is made perfect. We have done all we can do at this point and now we pray and wait on others to do what they need to do...Our lil one is out there somewhere and I so want to bring them home...We started this journey with so many expectations and now are only expectation is that we wait on our Heavenly Father.

HE knows our hearts desire, HE knows what is best for us, and HE knows what is best for the lil one that is on their way home to our hearts...

"We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our Help and our Shield. In HIM our hearts rejoice, for we trust in HIS holy name. May YOUR unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our HOPE in YOU" Psalm 33: 20-22

We will serve while we wait, we will worship while we wait, we wait upon the LORD!!!!

Blessings to all!
If we do not want to be a part of the solution, we need to stay out of the equation!

I have been thinking(which my hubby would say OH NO!!) a lot lately about numerous of different situations that I come across and some irritate me, make me cry, and some bring me full of joy. In all of this I cannot help but think about the ones that truly frustrate me and what am I doing about it. Am I contributing my time, am I giving generously, am I praying for them, what exactly am I doing to be a part of the solution. Because if I am not being a part of the solution I truly do not have any right to complain, give my opinion or get mad about it.

 So I challenge you, the next time you feel the need to complain, give your opinion or get mad about a situation ask yourself what are you doing to be a part of the solution.

Just something to think about~
Peace Be with you!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Praise GOD our new window is in!!!! Fire Marshall Inspection is passed and now we are just waiting for a phone call to complete our home study.
This window is a great reminder of when one window closes another one will be opened by our Heavenly Father....
Hope you have a great day!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Just Marinating: “Without Boundaries, Your Life Will Suck!”

Just Marinating: “Without Boundaries, Your Life Will Suck!”: WITHOUT BOUNDARIES, YOUR LIFE WILL SUCK! Whether you’re a CEO, stay-at-home engineer (dad or mom), student, coach, or pastor, without bo...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

"The Window"

The window!!!

Well here it is...this is the window that has to be replaced, because it does not meet fire marshall code...DSS was here Wednesday and all is well except for the window missing the mark by 0.6 uggg. So we will have to replace the window...
Praying.&..Thinking about missing the mark or not meeting fire marshall code makes me so thankful that I have Jesus. That Jesus did ...not say Maria you are 0.6 too short so I cannot save you, so thankful that Jesus did not say "Maria" you are not compliant with the codes that I have...So thankful that the Gift of life JESUS gives is free, and to be IN CHRIST we can be free indeed...
I am not big enough, compliant enough, strong enough, but my FATHER in HEAVEN IS!!!!!
Just thinking and being thankful!!! Have a blessed day!

Reaching Hearts: One. Answer the Cry of Just ONE.

Reaching Hearts: One. Answer the Cry of Just ONE.: One . Just One . If every ONE would do something to help just ONE , there would be no ONE left waiting. We don't have to be overwhelme...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A lil Encouragement!

If you are going thru, know that GOD is already on the other side waiting for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Imagine when we want our little babies to walk we stand on the other side of the room cheering them on and encouraging them, then give them a big celebration when they take those steps toward you we are there to catch them when they fall and sometimes we let them stumble so they can learn how get back up on their own...
NOW imagine the Heavenly Father doing the same thing for you! HE is cheering you on, HE is waiting for you, HE catches you when you fall, and sometimes HE lets us stumble a little so we will reach out to HIM and keep trying!


Have a great Day!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Love & Grace!: Just a Piece of Stained Glass~

Love & Grace!: Just a Piece of Stained Glass~: I love stained glass art and mosaics. This is a picture I found that reminds me of how the The love of the Father can create something ...

Just a Piece of Stained Glass~

I love stained glass art and mosaics. This is a picture I found that reminds me of how the The love of the Father can create something so beautiful even from the deepest scars that we may have. HE takes the brokenness of our sins, colors in the pieces then places the pieces together to create something so beautiful.

You're BEAUTIFUL in the FATHERS EYES no matter where you come from, what you have done, or where you have been...you are BEAUTIFUL and HE loves YOU!!

It is time to embrace the one GOD has called me to be…Loving GOD with all my heart, soul, and mind.. so that I can truly learn to love me correctly to continue to love others with complete compassion.
Time to I face the person in the shattered mirror and know that Stained Glass I see is beautiful. It is time that when I meet people my wall is not in front of me but the light of CHRIST shining through me so that they will see MORE of HIM and less of ME. It is time that I listen more with loving ears and speak with a loving tone. The closer I want to be to the Father the less of me I want…