Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Ray Of HOPE!!!


     Holding onto the HOPE from God, sometimes is the only thing that can get us through the day, the moment, the minute, or the hour! I share this picture with you as it was shared with me on face book to give you a reminder to "put your HOPE in GOD".~Psalm 42:5 NIV

     We all have bad days if we are honest with ourselves, we are not always the upbeat people that we portray ourselves to be at church "HEllO how are you" oh we are "FINE" how are you...why do we do this to ourselves...when there are times we are crying inside for some relief, we are having a massive anxiety attack because we are waiting on test results, we hide behind the word FINE or OK...Let me encourage you to start hiding behind HOPE...HOPE in the one true friend that will never judge you no matter what you say, the one constant that is waiting to hear your most desperate plea, the FATHER that will never leave you nor forsake you...Next time you are ready to say FINE (and you are really NOT) try saying HOPEFUL...
     HOPE~ a four letter word that can bring peace to the heart.....The FATHER is there for YOU all you have to do is pray....HE will never have a busy signal, HE will never have customer service answer the phone for HIM...HE is always WANTING to HEAR from HIS CHILDREN...

HOPE~ my HOPE for you is that you have been encouraged, comforted, or your day is a little brighter because you stopped by LOVE & GRACE today!

I am waiting, I am expecting LORD open the FLOODGATES of HEAVEN you know my most inward wants, desires and needs and I am waiting in the HOPE of YOU LORD!

~The next time you ask someone "How are you?" Do you have the time to listen they just might need someone to talk to? We are so busy in our lives and take for granted the moments of LIFE that often get missed that we could have been a blessing to someone. ~

In the NIV Rainbow Bible I have found the word HOPES or HOPE is written 22 times. Here are the scriptures with the LIGHT of HOPE!
Job 13:15
Psalms 42: 5,- 62: 5- 119: 74,- 130: 7,- 147: 11,
Proverbs 13: 12
Isa 40: 31
Romans 5: 4,- 8: 24,- 12: 12,- 14: 4
1 Co. 13: 13,- 13: 7,- 15:19
Col. 1: 27
1 Th. 5:8
1 Tim. 6: 17
Titus 2: 13
Hebrews 6: 19,- 11:1
1 John 3:3

I HOPE you have a blessed day!

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